Once Upon a Time...

Once Upon a Time...

I don't remember a time when I wasn't a storyteller.

I have always made up stories to entertain myself and others. Sometimes as a kid I'd make up stories to get out of trouble, but I digress about that one... Haha!

My baby cousin and I were raised as siblings. I remember telling her stories to help her go to sleep when I was still in kindergarten. Stories about far away lands, magic kingdoms, and sometimes vampiric bunnies—but I was 6.

As I got older I became obsessed with writing. I wrote poems and lyrics (like most teenage girls), and stories of love and loss. Eventually I grew out of my pure-romance phase and started writing mysteries and other types of stories.

I say all this to say thank you. Thank you for allowing me to entertain you, to let me tell you stories that hopefully will make your day a little brighter. Baby Sarah would not even be able to imagine that she could possibly be a storyteller full time, and my heart feels so full it could burst.

Drop a comment below and let me know what you wanted to do when you were young, and if that has had an effect on what your vocation is now.

Have a great day!
