NaNoWriMo is something that is both loved and hated in author circles. On one hand, it's a whole month where we cheer each other on and push each other to the finish line of writing 50,000 words.
On the other? The pressure to get those words out—even if you are normally a fast writer—is insane.
I've "won" NaNo before, and failed it just as often. This year, though, I'm coming at it not as a be-all-end-all, but to embrace the camaraderie that the writing community gives each other. For 2020, I need all the warm and fuzzy feelings I can get. You feel me?
So, come join me! Let's go and have fun with our words, and wrap up this year with a bang!
You can send me a buddy request at See you, there! 🙂